A Witch!

The days pass more happily now, the spiders occasionally enter my home to greet me and the creatures without tell me about their day. I have been visited now by each of the wizards alone. They come and inspect my prison to see that I have not escaped then leave without further punishment or cruel acts upon my person. I welcome their visits but they still do not acknowledge me.

The air has turned chill for the first now. Perhaps I am not in hell. Perhaps the summer heat now passes and the autumn chill is nigh. It has been some time now since the last visit, the moon has waxed and waned again and I crave companionship.

Again someone approaches!

Alas they come again; but wait I hear a woman! Oh, how sweet her voice, how kind her temprement surely this gentle creature has tamed the evil nature of the cruel wizards and is come to release me "Oh gentle soul approach us that we may see you"

She hears me!!! The door opens, Oh, she is so fair. How gentle her countenance, how graceful her carriage...what's this; she weeps! The wizards have abused her surely.

"Oh, cruel devils I curse you."

"Stop weeping my child, we shall be friends, fear not. Together we shall find a way to defeat the wizards."

Oh, the poor creature; what have they done to her, she is naked. They have stripped her and brought her here in her pantaletts and a shift. Oh what wicked acts they must have committed upon her.

"Don't worry my child I am a powerful Queen together we shall find a way out of here and smite these devils. It has been so long, so very long since I have felt the warmth of human embrace, speak to me, tell me your name."

They door closes we are both imprisoned here!

"She weeps still, stop, dear child, you are not alone"...she stands, she is taking off her pantalettes. "What are you doing my child? Why do you, Oh my GOD! STOP THAT. What are you doing, Oh God, eeeeew."

She's leaving and giggling, what cruel trick is this, what evil witch comes and defiles my beautiful home then mocks me? Oh, how disgusting, what was she doing. How wicked and vile she is.

OH, MY GOD. The evil wizards now come each in their turn to my throne and relieve themselves of their stinking humors. I Am exiled IN A PRIVY!!!

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